Skiing or Snowboarding for the first time can be daunting at first, however once you begin to build your skills and most importantly, confidence, the easier and more enjoyable it will become. Everyone feels nervous the first time they try skiing and snowboarding, so you are not alone. The most important thing it to give it a go and remember to have fun!
Your first lesson will be at the beginner’s area of your ski resort, where it is very flat and often has a magic carpet (sort of like a snow escalator) to transfer you uphill. The beginner’s area is a very safe area, and your instructor will be wary of other skiers and snowboarders around you to avoid collisions. Often then beginners’ slopes are even separated from other ski areas to allow first-time skiers and snowboarders plenty of space to learn. Your ski instructor will begin the lesson by explaining how your boots should feel, how a ski or snowboard operates and how to get up after falling. Falling is a part of the learning process and does not hurt, therefore do not be disheartened if you do fall, it is all part of the experience!
For skiers, the instructor will show you how to push your boots into skis one at a time and how they should feel. Next up is balance. You will learn what we like to call the Pizza, which is an athletic stance that gives you control over speed and how to slow down.

Your first snowboarding lesson is similar, with you learning how to strap your boots in, controlling the board with one foot, as well as slowing down. Learning to stop will be the most important thing important thing your instructor will teach you and you are bound to fall over plenty of times before you get it right. Don’t worry, the instructor will also show you how to move your body when you fall so you don’t hurt yourself. Getting comfortable on your equipment is key and if you do not feel comfortable by the end of the first day, let your ski trip coordinator know as you may need to adjust your equipment.
Your first day is often spent falling and getting back up, but after one lesson you should start to feel more confident. One thing is for certain, you will be able to share some funny stories with your peers after your first day on the snow.
Be prepared to feel sore after your first day of skiing or snowboarding, as you will be using muscles you are not used to using. To minimise your aches and pains, try stretching each morning and integrating regular exercise before your trip.
Sno’n’Ski Group Holidays have put together some basic exercise tips to have you prepared for your upcoming school or group ski trip.
Image Credits: Mt Buller Lessons - Andrew Railton